Tag: scifi

REVIEW: Noumena Series by Lindsay Ellis

It’s fall 2007. A well-timed leak has revealed that the US government might have engaged in first contact. Cora Sabino is doing everything she can to avoid the whole mess, since the force driving the controversy is her whistleblower father. Even though Cora hasn’t spoken to him in years, his celebrity has caught the attention … Continue reading REVIEW: Noumena Series by Lindsay Ellis

REVIEW: I Married a Lizardman by Regine Abel

As a third daughter on the farming colony of Meterion, Susan’s future prospects aren’t too promising. A pretty face, top-notch skills, and hard work mean nothing if your dowry doesn’t include fertile lands. With her twenty-fifth birthday approaching, and no suitors even remotely sniffing in her general direction, Susan will be forced to leave the … Continue reading REVIEW: I Married a Lizardman by Regine Abel